Sibi N

Likes to code and build software products. Loves data and Artifical intelligence.


Flutter Developer

Nyx Wolves Freelance & Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Developed front-end and back-end for a dating app. Used Bloc pattern for state management.

May 2020 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer


Omdena is community driven platform to build and innovate solutions to real-world problems using data science and machine learning. I worked on preprocessing the satellite data to find the density of buildings and developed a segmentation model for segmenting the roads from the given image and find its width.

November 2019 - January 2020

Android Application Developer

Nyx Wolves Freelance & Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Developed an android app which can connect to BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy devices) and monitor their distance from the phone. Also worked on real estate app.

November 2018 -March 2019


SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thirumalaisamudram

Bachelor of Technology ComputerScience

CGPA: 7.56

May 2017 - Present

Maxwell Matriculation and Higher Secondary,Thanjavur

High School

Percentage: 92%

2016 - 2017


Programming Languages
  • Native Android App Development
  • CrossPlatform App Development (Flutter)
  • DataScience
  • Machine Learning and DeepLearning



An simple android app built using java which can automate tasks when given event is met.


Project created by Omdena collaborators and me for finding the safest route to travel in the event of earthquake.

Object Detector

A Django web app with MaskRCNN model for object detection and segementation. Developed for gsoc 2020 code challenge


An android app built using kotlin for managing time using pomodoro technique. Developed for 30 Days of kotlin challenge by Google.

Awards & Certifications

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks: Improving Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization, Optimization.
  • Structuring Machine Learning Projects.
  • Convolutional Networks.